- Neu

0.1 kg
• Noble Jewelcase Edition
• Ltd. 200, Handnumbered
► Listen on Bandcamp: https://dunkelheitprod.bandcamp.com/album/andere-sonne
No rest for the wicked! Dunkelheit Produktionen continues its campaign of exquisite experimental electronics by presenting the debut album of Polish act SLPWK. Clocking at about roughly 40 minutes, „Andere Sonne“ offers unique and enticing sounds by this solo project, that has been released a handful of unique releases over the last 10 years.
Describing the material is far from simple, since SLPWK has a very distinct approach to modular synth song structures, but one could probably label it Heavy Industrial with a somewhat musical twist. Tasty, full synthwaves form structures reminiscent of Inquisition's Industrial project and some of the highly acclaimed releases known from German school Angstpop and Industrial. But „Andere Sonne“ is not mere synthwanking. The masculine and commanding vocals may remind some of those Levas used to present, which gives the material a nice Power Electronics twist that fits the material very well.
Steeped in occult symbolism, SLPWK offers innovation and quality and is indeed one of the most memorable Post Industrial releases of the last years. Fans of older obscurities will appreciate this just as much as those who like their material upfront and more digestible. Get it, while it's hot!
All tracks were composed, recorded and produced by Michal Solipiwko at his home studio in Katowice, Poland, during late 2023. Executive production by Dunkelheit Produktionen. All rights reserved.
1. Eclipse 04:48
2. Roots 07:12
3. Frost in The Courtyard 04:32
4. Abyss 05:04
5. Ceremony 05:12
6. Harbour 02:56
7. Solistice 06:46
Total 36:38 Minutes