• Neu

Conflagration Chamber - The Maldoror Sounds In Three Acts, Ltd. 200 (Handnumbered) (Rus), CD

12,52 €
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage

0.1 kg


• Noble Jewelcase Edition with Booklet
• Ltd. 200, Handnumbered

► Listen on Bandcamp: https://dunkelheitprod.bandcamp.com/album/the-maldoror-sounds-in-three-acts

From the timeless mists of underground obscurity, the new entity CONFLAGRATION CHAMBER emerges. Pitch-black Post Mortem elixir from the cold and unholy Russia, featuring members of Ulvdalir, Horthodox and Womb11.

Any true fan will immediately acknowledge the intense old school feel of the Material presented on this high Profile debut full-length. It is definitely Power Electronics in its purest form, but there are distinct traces of Death Industrial sickness to be found in the vitriolic compositions. Tortured, brutish Vocals like a thunderstorm of decadence poetry echoing from the dismal industrial labyrinths of imperial factories.

CONFLAGRATION CHAMBER is a true beast that presents some of the most ambitious and raw recordings of our day and age. No trend, no compromise, just the somber eminence of Eastern and Post Mortem Power Electronics fanaticism.

Recorded in different locations during the summer 2023, Pskov, Rostov-on-Don, St.Petersburg / RUSSIA. Exclusive production by Dunkelheit Produktionen. All Rights reserved.

A.N. - synths, pedals, field recording, human skulls, bones, rusted nails, books
H. - synths, pedals, samples, mixing
Void WHRT - voice

Technische Daten

Power Electronics, Noise