- Nuevo

0.1 kg
• Noble Jewelcase Edition
• Ltd. 200, Handnumbered
• Excl. Poster (A2 format), only for pre-order customers
• Excl. signed Photo card by Stephen Petrus, only for pre-order customers
► Listen on Bandcamp: https://dunkelheitprod.bandcamp.com/album/pestilent-black-breath
Stephen Petrus and his project Murderous Vision shouldnt be new to anyone who is engaged in the world of Death Industrial Noise. Legendary artist has been releasing high quality sounds for decades and has managed to keep his output alive and fresh throughout this long time. It is with pleasure and pride that Dunkelheit presents his new full-length "Pestilent Black Breath", which will be a true treat for the fanatics.
From the first second, Murderous Vision makes clear that that old darkness and spite is still alive and kicking. Blackest seas of vitriol and menace flow through the shadows of the psyche, while tortured vocals and whispers sing of desperation and hate, while walls of night crawl through the cracks of sanity. As one has come to expect from Petrus, the material is somewhat influenced by Dark Ambient but still has a noisy edge, which should please the fans of more dissonant frequencies.
"Pestilent Black Breath" is a triumph and another addition to the ever-expanding exquisite catalogue of Murderous Vision, which you should definitely not miss. Experience the spirit of the nineties draped in a cloak of modern mastery and dive into these dark parallel worlds. Now or never!
Pestilent Black Breath, was recorded during December 2023 until March 2024 at Spirits In The Trees, Fairport Harbor, Ohio, USA. Vocals on Chor Der Verdammnis and Pestilent Black Breath by Philosoph (Grimoire De Occulte). Steel Chimes on Casting Empty Stones and percussion on Pestilent Black Breath by Pauline Limbardo. Cover Painting by Lott113. Liner Photography by Stephen Petrus and Lott113. Design and Layout by J.S. Mixed by Stephen Petrus. Masterin by Grant Richardson, Hex Audio Labs, USA. Murderous Vision is Stephen Petrus. All music by MURDEROUS VISION. Exclusive production by Dunkelheit Produktionen. All rights reserved.
1. Chor Der Verdammnis 04:42
2. The Torchbearer 07:05
3. Casting Empty Stones 06:35
4. Paths To The Burned Book 04:30
5. Pestilent Black Breath 06:41
6. A Sanguine Note 03:49
7. Scripts On The Catacomb Walls 04:10
Total 37:34
Dunkelheit Produktionen
Aachener Str. 68
52531 Übach-Palenberg
Email: info@dunkelheit-produktionen.de